As we all know, our final exams are getting closer. Same as exams, the assigments to submit is also getting ready to its deadline. First of all, I started this blog as computer class assigment. Our professor told us to publish 14 blog articles by 30th of december 2019. Through out this 14 weeks, I've created so many article by independent topics.
All of my articles were based on general knowledge, events held in UKM, my favourite topics and so many. From all 14 articles, my most favourite article was about the foods in Malaysia. The article was named as ' The Food Paradise '. The reason behind to name this as my favourite article, I love to eat variety of food. In this article, I inserted the details of some special foods that can get from everywhere in Malaysia.
Each in every food I've mentioned in that article was the food I've tried until now and wanted to try in future. On the other hand, besides the food is favourite, I believe food is a great tool to streghthen our unity in Malaysia. Malaysia is the only place that peoples from other comunity eats in other comunity people's shop. The hunger and exploring new variety of foods is inserted in our Malaysians blood.
Moreover, I believe food is one of the factor that helps to other comunity people to get know about other comunities cultures and many more. By doing this, the unity between diffrent community of people gets closer and more understanding. They will know how to respect other peoples culture. Then, these foods are the main factors that attracts many tourist from other countries to visit our country. It has become a national identity besides KLCC.
In conclusion, this 14 blogs and 14 weeks gave me lots of experience in how to manage my time while handling programmes and studies. I believe university is not only a place to study, it is more than that, it can improve our soft skills. I believe, by creating these blog, my english language knowledge and general knowledge was improved. I think this is impact created by these blogs. I started as a assigment, and its ended as lesson to me. Im glad to create these blogs, and time permits, I would like to continue my blogs in upcoming weeks. Thank you
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